Free Inquiry

I grew up relatively unconventionally from my peers being raised by a single father, living with my grandparents, and having a lot of freedom to explore the outdoors as a child. Coming from a single-family income and playing high level soccer meant that my dad worked evenings and weekends. I learnt a lot about what a good work ethic looks like and what it means to sacrifice for your family. 

Fast forward to where I am now, I am really grateful to be in the position to attend university in my late twenties and take up two new hobbies as of this January. With that being said, 2021 was a very challenging year for me. I decided to take up watercolour painting as it’s a more uncontrollable medium by nature. It’s been interesting to see how much I struggle with “not getting it right the first time”. Ever since I could remember, I have been really drawn to string instruments, and have been really interested in learning to play the cello. This semester provided me a unique opportunity to rent and begin to learn how to play. It has been very interesting being a beginner and starting right from the very foundations. 

I’ve gotten a lot of joy from being stepping outside of my comfort zone. Doing this has allowed me to express and explore who I am in new ways. This process is what has given me the inspiration for my free inquiry project. I am wondering how exploring ambiguity will improve my teaching practices. I plan to continue exploring this through art and learning to play the cello.

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