Reflective Thinking: Inclusion

Today we spoke with Chantelle Morvay- Adams about inclusion and technology in K-12 classes. Chantelle spoke about the barriers to technology such as access, and little technological support for students and families. Chantelle also spoke about ableism and how it can affect access to technology for learners. Conversations around whether or not a child is disabled enough or too disabled to use technology are examples of ableism.

I thought it was helpful to have conversations around how we assess the needs of our learners. As an educator, I make a concious effort to observe and be curious about what may be going on for my learners. Often behaviours pop up if a student is having difficulty with completing or understanding a task, and many times, tools like technology can make all the difference.

Check out my infographic below on Observation –> Access below 🙂

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